Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The First Road Trip

26th Feb, 2011, yes a Saturday morning 5 AM start, marked the beginning of so many places and people that you will meet and come across in your life. But these were no strangers honey these were people who have lived all their lives to see this day when then bless you. The sight of you the fourth generation in the house. Numerous Grand parents all eagerly awaiting your arrival to see and even in a such short trip give you their life long blessings. You have brought us so much smile and joy that words wont do justice to it.

Oh sweet one, this trip also marked exploring a temple that we both have crossed several times but I guess it was meant for us to visit together. It was the Golden Temple in vellore. An architectural marvel and place which offers more than a place to worship. A long walk around the temple hardly gives you any clue on how the temple looks like up close and why would thousands of people throng this place. You were the queen honey and it seemed to me as if the temple opened its door for you to celebrate the life you have been given. Amidst all the crowd we were able to get to the temple center offer a small prayer and walk out peaceful and all along my love you slept and smiled.

Honey in a couple of days you are all set to travel yet again and the objective really wont change to much but this time for a little longer to meet your other set of great grand parents and uncles. Well i may not be a part of this journey but my thoughts and heart will be with you. I will miss you honey. The day would be 4th march.

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