Saturday, September 6, 2008

Religion Or People ???

Religion Or people

This is not a thought but an experience. Today I need validation and support more than I ever needed. We in India claim to be a very culturally diverse and a united society but are we really united, are we really living with each other out of acceptance or out of compulsion as we dont want to get into an argument. I am a Marwari guy who believes that religion(s) unite people and cultural diversity brings intelligence in the society.But if we are talking about marriage marwari marries a marwari and mallu marries a mallu....Christian marries a christian and hindu marries a hindu..everything else is an exception and is discussed like I am. I love a christian Mallu girl and I believe that i will be very happy with her. But i have parents who are social (hindu) and believe that everything begins with what people around us will think and what they will say it is irrelevant and unimportant what my son will go through, let me even stretch an say I am Ok with him being a bachelor but not an inter caste or inter religion marriage. I am not even interested in knowing the person my son wants to get married to.

I am not battling with what i have to do but I am battling with my duties as a son. Today my dad told me if I want to get married to that girl I am free to do so but it will be at the loss of your parents. Mom said "I am dead for you if you marry her". No one I am sure would want to go through what I am going through and put his/her parents through this pain but I have. And that is certainly not a very good happy feeling. Today i really want to know who is more important religion or People. All the saints in this world, all the wise men in this world would you please answer a simple question. What is religion and what role does it play to bring people together? Does it look at people through a lens which is either a christian or a hindu?

What an apathy we cannot respect people around us. But we respect the faith that someone told us is the rightway to live. Wonder how can that be true!!. What my peers think of the work that i do is more important than the work that I do..I sometimes wonder how many contradictory versions do we have of everything we say and do. We are hypocrates. We are all calculative, selfish and cunning in our ways to get things done. We would choose the words that sounds good to everyone and be critical to people who we want to act in a particular manner..

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