Monday, August 25, 2008

Free Or Wild

Is being free the same as being wild? Lot of us in our pursuit to "Something", want things our way but people in our lives directly or indirectly change the course of our pursuit. In these Some are remarkably beautiful, Some not so beautiful and some are just sour.

We often talk about being free from everything and in that we passionately indulge in things that we believe sets us free. Dancing, Drinking, Drugs,...we can add anything to this list. To me that very idea is wild. And so this forces me to think if being free is being wild. What does it actually mean to be free?

"Cast-Away" by Tom Hanks. Boy!! was he free. I know I know we are a social being and cant live alone. So can we be free? What are we in the end looking for? To be true there is a lot of noise in my head and I am just trying to free some of these thoughts. May be non of these make anysense at all. So dont be surprised. After all we all want to be free..

There was time when getting up early in the morning and being obsessed to work out was the only thing that I enjoyed the most. Looking back and thinking about I still feel that it was the best part of my day. We are all slaves of our indulgence and obsessions and truly it takes a lot to be free. God!! Feels like I am talking about becoming a Sadhu or something.

Free Or Wild

When the merry go round, Goes round & round,
It sets the world so free, yet if I let go of my hand,
Free Or Wild?

Caught between right & wrong, left & Right,
The mind plays a puzzle between easy & not so easy,
Free Or Wild?

Courses to Recourses, Ways to dead-Ends,
We all shared it yet we dont want it, Choices
Free Or Wild?

Love that is fair, selfless and often blind,
Between what we are born with & what comes our way,
Free Or Wild?

The mind is crazy, driving me into a frenzy,
Opening up a window that seems deep, dark but satisfying.
Boundaries as we define it, horizon as we see it,
Together it makes it easy, Step by step,
In the wild, I dont want to be free but i want to be.
One that is with you, to share and to cherish,
For the Free & for the Wild.

Free Or Wild?

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