Is being free the same as being wild? Lot of us in our pursuit to "Something", want things our way but people in our lives directly or indirectly change the course of our pursuit. In these Some are remarkably beautiful, Some not so beautiful and some are just sour.
We often talk about being free from everything and in that we passionately indulge in things that we believe sets us free. Dancing, Drinking, Drugs,...we can add anything to this list. To me that very idea is wild. And so this forces me to think if being free is being wild. What does it actually mean to be free?
"Cast-Away" by Tom Hanks. Boy!! was he free. I know I know we are a social being and cant live alone. So can we be free? What are we in the end looking for? To be true there is a lot of noise in my head and I am just trying to free some of these thoughts. May be non of these make anysense at all. So dont be surprised. After all we all want to be free..
There was time when getting up early in the morning and being obsessed to work out was the only thing that I enjoyed the most. Looking back and thinking about I still feel that it was the best part of my day. We are all slaves of our indulgence and obsessions and truly it takes a lot to be free. God!! Feels like I am talking about becoming a Sadhu or something.
Free Or Wild
When the merry go round, Goes round & round,
It sets the world so free, yet if I let go of my hand,
Free Or Wild?
Caught between right & wrong, left & Right,
The mind plays a puzzle between easy & not so easy,
Free Or Wild?
Courses to Recourses, Ways to dead-Ends,
We all shared it yet we dont want it, Choices
Free Or Wild?
Love that is fair, selfless and often blind,
Between what we are born with & what comes our way,
Free Or Wild?
The mind is crazy, driving me into a frenzy,
Opening up a window that seems deep, dark but satisfying.
Boundaries as we define it, horizon as we see it,
Together it makes it easy, Step by step,
In the wild, I dont want to be free but i want to be.
One that is with you, to share and to cherish,
For the Free & for the Wild.
Free Or Wild?
ultrasound of emotions, feelings, learnings, experience, recklessness, wisdom, stupidity
Monday, August 25, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Quote of the Day
My pessimism extends to the point of even suspecting the sincerity of the pessimists.
- Jean Rostand
- Jean Rostand
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Naughty Boy!!!
Naughty Boy!!!
Name that I Truly earned,
As birthdays would never stop,
One thing remained same an Never Changed,
The Naughty Boy!!
From Morning till Noon, In School & Out of it too,
Pick Chocolates, Cricket Balls from neighbouring store, everything for free you know,
Play Cricket on the Terrace and break Glasses in the house below,
Hell everybody yelled & unanimously called me,
The Naughty Boy!!
Who did I spare? From Silly fights to movie rights,
For Kisses, for Misses all night long, Getting Caught talking on the phone,
Hushed Voices & threatening boys, Call me
The Naughty Boy!!
Times changed from School to College, out I went,
Free to loaf, licensed to play, What I thought was Cool that day,
All Girls Screamed and Yelled,
The Naughty Boy!!
I thought I grew up but even today,
I Sit near the Window in the Office, Often Caught looking out,
For every sight that pleases my eyes, for all the sweet Charm,
My Girlfriend often Thinks and Still Screams and Yells,
The Naughty Boy!!
Mischief in the eyes, Naughty & Sly,
Not something that I am proud, but guess what I am a Guy,
I could also hear you say, "The Naughty Boy!!!"
But now I know what I cant,
Still a long way to go, Where people unanimously yell,
The GooD Boy!!!
This Poem is dedicated to my GirlFriend who manages to put up with all My mischief, all the stupidity, yet a very true Friend and guide. She has often been the brains to the few sensible things i did accomplish in my years of being "The Naughty Boy"
Name that I Truly earned,
As birthdays would never stop,
One thing remained same an Never Changed,
The Naughty Boy!!
From Morning till Noon, In School & Out of it too,
Pick Chocolates, Cricket Balls from neighbouring store, everything for free you know,
Play Cricket on the Terrace and break Glasses in the house below,
Hell everybody yelled & unanimously called me,
The Naughty Boy!!
Who did I spare? From Silly fights to movie rights,
For Kisses, for Misses all night long, Getting Caught talking on the phone,
Hushed Voices & threatening boys, Call me
The Naughty Boy!!
Times changed from School to College, out I went,
Free to loaf, licensed to play, What I thought was Cool that day,
All Girls Screamed and Yelled,
The Naughty Boy!!
I thought I grew up but even today,
I Sit near the Window in the Office, Often Caught looking out,
For every sight that pleases my eyes, for all the sweet Charm,
My Girlfriend often Thinks and Still Screams and Yells,
The Naughty Boy!!
Mischief in the eyes, Naughty & Sly,
Not something that I am proud, but guess what I am a Guy,
I could also hear you say, "The Naughty Boy!!!"
But now I know what I cant,
Still a long way to go, Where people unanimously yell,
The GooD Boy!!!
This Poem is dedicated to my GirlFriend who manages to put up with all My mischief, all the stupidity, yet a very true Friend and guide. She has often been the brains to the few sensible things i did accomplish in my years of being "The Naughty Boy"
Monday, August 18, 2008
I am a SalesMan
I have been thinking about this for a while now Finally I did it!! I own it. I have a Merc!!! Yippee
That's the potential excitement and hysteria that we create constantly through our work. While sales is what everyone is working for whether it is the CEO or the executive sitting miles away from the the management, be it the R&D head or the marketing head. We are all Selling to someone somewhere something. What makes my job any bit different from yours? Why are salesman hated for push selling ? I am so obsessed with the idea of selling and hopefully one day I will be able to sell anything and everything under the sun to someone who is willing to buy.
Some will, Some won't, So what Next....
What does a Sales guy typically do?
There is a fantastic Ad by our own Aamir Khan for Toyota where he appears in different roles showcasing the same product and at the end of it he says "So what role are you playing today?"
I find an amazing connect with that Ad simply because it is so true. In whatever role we take up as an individual we all seem to be aiming for the same thing in different forms.
"We all need to serve somebody,
you might be a king but,
We all need to serve somebody......"
let me collect my thoughts and continue writing from here in sometime..
That's the potential excitement and hysteria that we create constantly through our work. While sales is what everyone is working for whether it is the CEO or the executive sitting miles away from the the management, be it the R&D head or the marketing head. We are all Selling to someone somewhere something. What makes my job any bit different from yours? Why are salesman hated for push selling ? I am so obsessed with the idea of selling and hopefully one day I will be able to sell anything and everything under the sun to someone who is willing to buy.
Some will, Some won't, So what Next....
What does a Sales guy typically do?
- Paint a picture (the prettier, the fancier, the more sought after, the more elite, the more need based, the more can't do without, etc..)
- Tease you (Aamir has it, Sachin has it, Wipro has it, Infosys has it, Where are you?)
- I will Buy it if I were you
- Buy it now & I Give you the world with it (upto 51% off)
- Hey I own a Merc!!! Yippee (now deal with it)
- Paint a Picture (The Concept of this design is to save more power, what if i make the pastry look like the Taj Mahal)
- Tease you (This is how we are doing it today and changing it will make it look like this)
- I wish I had the money to do it on my Own (Or Hope the Banks approved my loan)
- If we start the project any later the cost of machinery and land will rise
- Hey we did it!!! Yippee (the product fails deal with it)
There is a fantastic Ad by our own Aamir Khan for Toyota where he appears in different roles showcasing the same product and at the end of it he says "So what role are you playing today?"
I find an amazing connect with that Ad simply because it is so true. In whatever role we take up as an individual we all seem to be aiming for the same thing in different forms.
"We all need to serve somebody,
you might be a king but,
We all need to serve somebody......"
let me collect my thoughts and continue writing from here in sometime..
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Gokarna Dairy August 15-17, 08
Gokarn !!!
Like everyone I was also waiting for the August 15th long weekend for a getaway. A get away in its true sense cut away from everything. I thought of Goa (whats new!!) thought about Kodai(what's new) then the name Gokarn flashed in my mind. To be honest i have heard so much about this place that not making the most of this time would be almost criminal. Khushi as always was ready for the place that i choose and was ready to pack the bags..I started looking for places that i need to explore once i am there..The more I searched the more i was convinced that this is the place to be.

So where do I start...I booked my bus tickets with KSRTC (AC Sleeper) for the two of us. It costed me just 1086 one way. I thought to myself this is a good deal. Once my to and Fro was done. I started looking for a place to stay. With a little bit of googling and some friends I got back with a few places recommended for stay Hotel Gokarn International Beach Resort, Om Beach Resort, Swaswara beach resort.
I called the hotels up for booking on the 1st of August but all claim to be fully booked for the weekend. Guess what..all this was just a fake demand that these hotels create..If you call them they say its booked. The truth is agents like India Hotel Review (a delhi based hotel booking company) have booked rooms in the hotel and sell it at inflated prices to people who dont know how things are at Gokarna. I went for Hotel Gokarna International based on what India Hotel Review (IHR) recommended to my dismay. Hotel Gokarna International has two hotels in Gokarna one in the City close to the KSRTC bus stand and the other on Kudle Beach called the Gokarna International Beach Resort (the place i would certainly recommend to stay. Please never check in the Hotel Gokarn International (the common names can confuse you) in the city unless you are looking for a cheap alternate with decent rooms and close to the temple. Another learning Never Book through travel agents like IHR who cheat and sell at inflated rates.

Be careful if you ever are making booking through these middle man. The best is to call the hotel directly and transfer the money to them if you want to do a planned trip. Still better land up in Gokarn and find a place. I am sure you will get a place to stay.
14th of August, I have been waiting for this day for well over 12 days now..The day we start our travel. I was very excited as Khushi and I have not spent time like this in a while now. Though i had planned everything (atleast i thought so) the day had its share of anxious moments for me. Bangalore has been cloudy and waiting to burst for a while now and it had to happen on 14th when i was planning to go on vacation. We left home at 7Pm for a 9 PM bus from KSRTC....An hour passed in the Auto trying to get halfway to the bus Depot. The rain had no signs of stopping and the traffic had no signs of moving. From 8 to 9 we were moving slower than the snail and the clock moving faster than anything that i could think of. Khushi had her usual best laughing all along and adding fuel to an already frustrated and anxious me. We called the KSRTC helpline at 9 trying to find out if the traffic was a reason for delay for them as well. Those guys were also unkind and told me the bus had left. I was hell pissed and frustrated and there you go Khushi laughing again. We finally decide to let the Auto guy free and run from Corporation Circle all the way to the Bus depot. Boy i was carrying a 20Kg Bag and all the rain and dirt added to my frustration..But what about khushi, she just loves laughing and I am glad that she could. We somehow managed to reach the bus depot. What a sight at the bus stop!! Seems like everyone is going out of town and the whole bus depot is a mess. Over Crowded and blocked to every inch of space with buses and more buses. We finally found our bus at 9.30 which was supposed to leave at 9. It was such a relieve to see the bus and just put our luggage in it. Pheeeww i was so happy khushi as always was keeping me good company with her smile all along and the occassional heehehee...God!!
Both of us were stinking with the dirt and the running around to catch the bus but all was well now after wiping ourselves clean we settled to sleep and enjoy the trip without thinking about anything. But hold on..the ACs are not working in our bus..but you know what it wasn't that bad, the Windows provided the comfort. The Sleeper was spacious for the two of us with clean sheets and blanket. We soon were snoring away to glory.
We reached Gokarn in the morning after a tiring night, the place seemed quite and with a lot of pandits around. This is holy town with a lot of pujaris and sadhus walking around or sleeping on the beach. We headed straight to the hotel. Hotel Gokarna in the city though the room was big and everything but it was nowhere close to what i would have liked. After freshening up we checked with the hotel guy about possible places to explore. we decided to walk down the road to the Gokarna beach. The beach was full of life and activity and the least bit clean but the sight was breath taking the hills and the cloud presented the most captivating and relaxing sights one can imagine. There was a small house on the hill overlooking the sea. How i wish i had a house in a place like that. We spotted a small water fall from the beach and I somehow convinced khushi to walk all the way to the fall. Guess the water fall was created because of the rain. Few meters walk from the water fall we saw a small shrine with snake statues and water gushing out through the mouth of Nandi. Apparently that was a natural spring and very sweet and nice water flows through it all year along. I don't know much about the shrine but tell you what the water was definitely sweet and very nice. This house at the very edge of the hill presented a breath taking view of the sea below it. The powerful waves hitting the rocks below. Such was the ferocity of the waves even 40 Feet above the sea level every time a wave crashed into the rocks water would splashes high into the air.

Khushi never wanted to leave the place specially because i was making her walk up the hill and down the hill and she was not very keen on the idea of trekking but i used my charm to great effect and convinced her to climb a few stair to reach the top of what looked like a temple but turned out to be someones house. Pandit Ravi Prasad Sharam, Gokarna beach, u.k 5.
All along Gokarn you would not miss the sign U.K. Police welcomes you. U.K. Police cautions. I will let you think about it for a while.
It started raining when we reached the top of the hill with absolutely no shelter what so ever in sight. We were hugging each other and hiding behind a small towel. You know what there was absolutely no sign of life anywhere around us. Drenched and wet we waited and waited till after sometime when the rain slowed down we braved ourselves to walk down the hill and head to another beach. We hired a Auto Driver and unlike bangalore the auto drivers are a little friendly and polite. He agreed to take us all the way to Kudle beach, Om beach and back for 200 bucks. People told us that's how much they usually charge. Gokarn has very few vehicles in the town. The drive from Gokarn beach to Kudle Beach which was our next stop was through a range of hills. Approximately 7 kms from the beach we reached the top of the hill and had to trek through a narrow path down to the beach. Kudle beach is where we found the other Hotel Gokarn International Beach Resort and unlike the hotel in the city. This is situated right on the beach and all the rooms facing the sea. The food by far in Gokarn has not been satisfactory in anyway. But this hotel gave us decent meals. As the owners for this hotel is the same we decided to shift to this hotel and relax. The best part about this hotel was the very fact that there was no way to travel to this hotel except for that small trek down the hill. Secluded and quite this was a perfect place to wind up for the day. But then we had to go to another beach the Om Beach and also get our luggage to this place. We reached Om beach but not before passing through Swaswara (inner Voice) Resort. The place was so inviting the cottages and the pool looked beautiful from wherever you see. The view of the beach was excellent. We did not venture all the way down as we had to pack and get back to the hotel before dark.

After settling in our new room we ordered some food and walked around the beach, Khushi & I. It is such a romantic place and nothing like walking with Khushi on the beach bare footed. Then I spotted some locals playing football. I was soon a part of them kicking the ball around. Out of nowhere came a Frisbee and i know was chasing that as well. It was good fun and a tiring day. After Dinner we settled near the beach to enjoy the breeze and the lite drizzle that would every now and then make its presence felt. Here we met two brave souls Krithika & Swetha. All four of us chatted our way through well past the mid night.
Khushi had agreed for a trek but when she got up the following morning all the plans were put aside and she convinced me to just hang around and cuddle up in bed. We slept most part of the morning only to get up in the afternoon. After pestering her for a while she got up a little annoyed that i never let her sleep....But it was all worth it. We walked on beach playing and looking for shells.
Krithika & Swetha then took us to this place called La Pizzaria (i am not sure if my spelling is correct). Krithika & Swetha who are regular visitors to Gokarn tell me that this place is excellent during season which is of course the same as Goa's. The place boasts of open air toilets and small rooms with a Cot at 100 during off season and 300 during season. Mind you the location of the place is awesome and so is the food. Though i didn't eat but from all the readings and people that i have spoken to apparently all of them share the same view.

In the evening we decided to stroll beyond Kudle, explore swaswara, the property is amazingly placed between the hills and close to the sea. Quite and pristine and the rooms are awesome. With open air toilets a meditation center, volley Ball court, swimming pool. This looked perfect. We checked for the Ayurvedic Massage. We decided to book this place for a day and explore more.
The Next day khushi got up in the morning and tried her hand at sand painting, running around and dancing on the sea shore while i slept. She was pumped up and excited about the day at Swaswara. We headed straight to the massage center after our trek and trust me the massage was awesome for Rs1500 it was well worth the trek and time. There were two men who were massaging in sync, often times i could not even say whether it was four hands or two. Such was the rhythm and sync that they have. This was a magical experience. We then had lunch which was all organic and awesome. The food looked nice and tasted excellent. The concept was pure clean Vegetarian food. Swaswara unlike other resorts do not allow you to smoke, drink or eat meat in their premise but certainly indulge you in activities that will help you find yourself. Hence the name Swaswara. We loved the rooms, the meditation center, the ponds behind the Cottages. This place was amazing.
At 5pm We packed to say Good bye to what has been a very relaxing and rejuvenating holiday. And i am sure that we would be back to Gokarn to explore more and just not do anything. The no cell phones for two days, no TV, No cars, No people around, nothing to do is too good an idea to forget and to let go. I am waiting for my next chance to visit Gokarn.
Some of our Snaps:
Gokarna Snaps on picasa

Like everyone I was also waiting for the August 15th long weekend for a getaway. A get away in its true sense cut away from everything. I thought of Goa (whats new!!) thought about Kodai(what's new) then the name Gokarn flashed in my mind. To be honest i have heard so much about this place that not making the most of this time would be almost criminal. Khushi as always was ready for the place that i choose and was ready to pack the bags..I started looking for places that i need to explore once i am there..The more I searched the more i was convinced that this is the place to be.
So where do I start...I booked my bus tickets with KSRTC (AC Sleeper) for the two of us. It costed me just 1086 one way. I thought to myself this is a good deal. Once my to and Fro was done. I started looking for a place to stay. With a little bit of googling and some friends I got back with a few places recommended for stay Hotel Gokarn International Beach Resort, Om Beach Resort, Swaswara beach resort.
I called the hotels up for booking on the 1st of August but all claim to be fully booked for the weekend. Guess what..all this was just a fake demand that these hotels create..If you call them they say its booked. The truth is agents like India Hotel Review (a delhi based hotel booking company) have booked rooms in the hotel and sell it at inflated prices to people who dont know how things are at Gokarna. I went for Hotel Gokarna International based on what India Hotel Review (IHR) recommended to my dismay. Hotel Gokarna International has two hotels in Gokarna one in the City close to the KSRTC bus stand and the other on Kudle Beach called the Gokarna International Beach Resort (the place i would certainly recommend to stay. Please never check in the Hotel Gokarn International (the common names can confuse you) in the city unless you are looking for a cheap alternate with decent rooms and close to the temple. Another learning Never Book through travel agents like IHR who cheat and sell at inflated rates.
Be careful if you ever are making booking through these middle man. The best is to call the hotel directly and transfer the money to them if you want to do a planned trip. Still better land up in Gokarn and find a place. I am sure you will get a place to stay.
14th of August, I have been waiting for this day for well over 12 days now..The day we start our travel. I was very excited as Khushi and I have not spent time like this in a while now. Though i had planned everything (atleast i thought so) the day had its share of anxious moments for me. Bangalore has been cloudy and waiting to burst for a while now and it had to happen on 14th when i was planning to go on vacation. We left home at 7Pm for a 9 PM bus from KSRTC....An hour passed in the Auto trying to get halfway to the bus Depot. The rain had no signs of stopping and the traffic had no signs of moving. From 8 to 9 we were moving slower than the snail and the clock moving faster than anything that i could think of. Khushi had her usual best laughing all along and adding fuel to an already frustrated and anxious me. We called the KSRTC helpline at 9 trying to find out if the traffic was a reason for delay for them as well. Those guys were also unkind and told me the bus had left. I was hell pissed and frustrated and there you go Khushi laughing again. We finally decide to let the Auto guy free and run from Corporation Circle all the way to the Bus depot. Boy i was carrying a 20Kg Bag and all the rain and dirt added to my frustration..But what about khushi, she just loves laughing and I am glad that she could. We somehow managed to reach the bus depot. What a sight at the bus stop!! Seems like everyone is going out of town and the whole bus depot is a mess. Over Crowded and blocked to every inch of space with buses and more buses. We finally found our bus at 9.30 which was supposed to leave at 9. It was such a relieve to see the bus and just put our luggage in it. Pheeeww i was so happy khushi as always was keeping me good company with her smile all along and the occassional heehehee...God!!
Both of us were stinking with the dirt and the running around to catch the bus but all was well now after wiping ourselves clean we settled to sleep and enjoy the trip without thinking about anything. But hold on..the ACs are not working in our bus..but you know what it wasn't that bad, the Windows provided the comfort. The Sleeper was spacious for the two of us with clean sheets and blanket. We soon were snoring away to glory.
We reached Gokarn in the morning after a tiring night, the place seemed quite and with a lot of pandits around. This is holy town with a lot of pujaris and sadhus walking around or sleeping on the beach. We headed straight to the hotel. Hotel Gokarna in the city though the room was big and everything but it was nowhere close to what i would have liked. After freshening up we checked with the hotel guy about possible places to explore. we decided to walk down the road to the Gokarna beach. The beach was full of life and activity and the least bit clean but the sight was breath taking the hills and the cloud presented the most captivating and relaxing sights one can imagine. There was a small house on the hill overlooking the sea. How i wish i had a house in a place like that. We spotted a small water fall from the beach and I somehow convinced khushi to walk all the way to the fall. Guess the water fall was created because of the rain. Few meters walk from the water fall we saw a small shrine with snake statues and water gushing out through the mouth of Nandi. Apparently that was a natural spring and very sweet and nice water flows through it all year along. I don't know much about the shrine but tell you what the water was definitely sweet and very nice. This house at the very edge of the hill presented a breath taking view of the sea below it. The powerful waves hitting the rocks below. Such was the ferocity of the waves even 40 Feet above the sea level every time a wave crashed into the rocks water would splashes high into the air.
Khushi never wanted to leave the place specially because i was making her walk up the hill and down the hill and she was not very keen on the idea of trekking but i used my charm to great effect and convinced her to climb a few stair to reach the top of what looked like a temple but turned out to be someones house. Pandit Ravi Prasad Sharam, Gokarna beach, u.k 5.
All along Gokarn you would not miss the sign U.K. Police welcomes you. U.K. Police cautions. I will let you think about it for a while.
It started raining when we reached the top of the hill with absolutely no shelter what so ever in sight. We were hugging each other and hiding behind a small towel. You know what there was absolutely no sign of life anywhere around us. Drenched and wet we waited and waited till after sometime when the rain slowed down we braved ourselves to walk down the hill and head to another beach. We hired a Auto Driver and unlike bangalore the auto drivers are a little friendly and polite. He agreed to take us all the way to Kudle beach, Om beach and back for 200 bucks. People told us that's how much they usually charge. Gokarn has very few vehicles in the town. The drive from Gokarn beach to Kudle Beach which was our next stop was through a range of hills. Approximately 7 kms from the beach we reached the top of the hill and had to trek through a narrow path down to the beach. Kudle beach is where we found the other Hotel Gokarn International Beach Resort and unlike the hotel in the city. This is situated right on the beach and all the rooms facing the sea. The food by far in Gokarn has not been satisfactory in anyway. But this hotel gave us decent meals. As the owners for this hotel is the same we decided to shift to this hotel and relax. The best part about this hotel was the very fact that there was no way to travel to this hotel except for that small trek down the hill. Secluded and quite this was a perfect place to wind up for the day. But then we had to go to another beach the Om Beach and also get our luggage to this place. We reached Om beach but not before passing through Swaswara (inner Voice) Resort. The place was so inviting the cottages and the pool looked beautiful from wherever you see. The view of the beach was excellent. We did not venture all the way down as we had to pack and get back to the hotel before dark.
After settling in our new room we ordered some food and walked around the beach, Khushi & I. It is such a romantic place and nothing like walking with Khushi on the beach bare footed. Then I spotted some locals playing football. I was soon a part of them kicking the ball around. Out of nowhere came a Frisbee and i know was chasing that as well. It was good fun and a tiring day. After Dinner we settled near the beach to enjoy the breeze and the lite drizzle that would every now and then make its presence felt. Here we met two brave souls Krithika & Swetha. All four of us chatted our way through well past the mid night.
Khushi had agreed for a trek but when she got up the following morning all the plans were put aside and she convinced me to just hang around and cuddle up in bed. We slept most part of the morning only to get up in the afternoon. After pestering her for a while she got up a little annoyed that i never let her sleep....But it was all worth it. We walked on beach playing and looking for shells.
Krithika & Swetha then took us to this place called La Pizzaria (i am not sure if my spelling is correct). Krithika & Swetha who are regular visitors to Gokarn tell me that this place is excellent during season which is of course the same as Goa's. The place boasts of open air toilets and small rooms with a Cot at 100 during off season and 300 during season. Mind you the location of the place is awesome and so is the food. Though i didn't eat but from all the readings and people that i have spoken to apparently all of them share the same view.
In the evening we decided to stroll beyond Kudle, explore swaswara, the property is amazingly placed between the hills and close to the sea. Quite and pristine and the rooms are awesome. With open air toilets a meditation center, volley Ball court, swimming pool. This looked perfect. We checked for the Ayurvedic Massage. We decided to book this place for a day and explore more.
The Next day khushi got up in the morning and tried her hand at sand painting, running around and dancing on the sea shore while i slept. She was pumped up and excited about the day at Swaswara. We headed straight to the massage center after our trek and trust me the massage was awesome for Rs1500 it was well worth the trek and time. There were two men who were massaging in sync, often times i could not even say whether it was four hands or two. Such was the rhythm and sync that they have. This was a magical experience. We then had lunch which was all organic and awesome. The food looked nice and tasted excellent. The concept was pure clean Vegetarian food. Swaswara unlike other resorts do not allow you to smoke, drink or eat meat in their premise but certainly indulge you in activities that will help you find yourself. Hence the name Swaswara. We loved the rooms, the meditation center, the ponds behind the Cottages. This place was amazing.
At 5pm We packed to say Good bye to what has been a very relaxing and rejuvenating holiday. And i am sure that we would be back to Gokarn to explore more and just not do anything. The no cell phones for two days, no TV, No cars, No people around, nothing to do is too good an idea to forget and to let go. I am waiting for my next chance to visit Gokarn.
Some of our Snaps:
Gokarna Snaps on picasa
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