In a bid to discipline to our child or to get her comply with what we are saying we fail to get her to execute what she has been asked to. This mean we often loose our cool and end up shouting, raising hands (not hitting but no less either) and actually spanking. How do we find a middle ground and discipline our child without having to hit or scream or yell at the child. She is not an obtuse but my fear is we would end up making her one with the way we are dealing with her. I dont want her to end up with a low self esteem or become a rebel.
There is no denying the fact that we have failed miserably in trying to get to a common ground as a couple. Our fights have become even more painful and louder than it ever was. I cannot bear the thought of someone hitting my child. I wont say that I have never been tempted to hit my child because of her non compliance and often ignorant behavior. The anger always gets the worst out of us. I stop at showing her a slap and nothing more than that. But when i see her cry and sob I break into millions of pieces inside and the pain is louder and shreds sharper then nails to prick the hell out of me.
I am feeling so helpless at this moment and wondering how can I find a solution that all of us can agree and live with.
There is no denying the fact that we have failed miserably in trying to get to a common ground as a couple. Our fights have become even more painful and louder than it ever was. I cannot bear the thought of someone hitting my child. I wont say that I have never been tempted to hit my child because of her non compliance and often ignorant behavior. The anger always gets the worst out of us. I stop at showing her a slap and nothing more than that. But when i see her cry and sob I break into millions of pieces inside and the pain is louder and shreds sharper then nails to prick the hell out of me.
I am feeling so helpless at this moment and wondering how can I find a solution that all of us can agree and live with.