ultrasound of emotions, feelings, learnings, experience, recklessness, wisdom, stupidity
Friday, December 4, 2009
Sales or Value creation
Lets take "coffee" for an example. It is available on the street, at home, in a cafe, in a restaurant, in a lounge, in a 5 star hotel. What is different other than the F&B's really is the value. I am not talking about the monetary aspect here but the value that customer perceives in the offering. Who creates these values?? Some I reckon would say marketing. To be honest if all products were made with the same ingredient as the other and presented in the same manner possible then who would you choose. Its the sales guy. Ever come across a situation when you really didnt like that jeans a lot but a smart smiling comment made you buy that jeans.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Mumbai!! Among its Glam and Bang...
I want to ask people from Mumbai to tell whether or not they love their place and define what they mean when they say they love. How can you love a place and have no regards for the people in your city. How can you love a place and litter with filth all over. What is it that we can do to see that this over populated city has the green cover, every human being has a clean neighborhood with all basic amenties one needs to live life. Why not consider doing what new york has done for its homeless. I am sure its not impossible.
How do you regulate and ensure controlled growth of population without compromising growth yet providing ample opportunity for all. I know what I am about to write is already a heated topic and challenges our constitution but for a challenging city like mumbai a radical step is required.
Why not consider work permits for the city based on the identified list of areas where local resources are not available. Implement phased wise removal of slums by creating mutli storied buildings or housing complexes that create adequate space for one an all. Impose heavy sanction or fines for polluting, defecating throwing garbage on the street. Everytime someone is caught spitting or pissing or throwing garbage they should be fined in excess of 100 hrs of social service or public cleanliness. The challenge is always going to be there but solutions can be made. The society should be held responsible for the dirt and filth in there society. Incentives should be given for people and the societies that are able to achieve the goals for the quarter, year whatever the case may be. Incentives could be in the form of reduced taxes, cheaper power, etc..
This tour continues to fascinate me
Monday, August 24, 2009
Love you Khushi..love you tonssssssss..........
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Its not what I sell, Its What I stand for - Roy Spencer
"In 1837, more than two decades before the American Civil War, William Procter and James Gamble formed a partnership to make soap and candles. In 1955, P&G stood at No. 27 on the Fortune 500; today it holds spot No. 23. In 1886, Robert Wood Johnson, operating from the fourth floor of an abandoned wallpaper factory, issued a small catalog jam–packed with antiseptic surgical dressings and medical plasters. By 1955 his son had built Johnson & Johnson into No. 159 on the Fortune 500; today it stands at No. 35, with 45 consecutive years of increasing its dividend. In the early 20th century General Electric's Charles Coffin brought forth perhaps the most significant business innovation of the past 200 years: systematic management development. GE created generations of leaders and thereby generated more than a century of sustained success so reliable that a hiccup in quarterly profits can drive down the entire stock market. In 1955 GE sat at No. 4 on the Fortune 500; today it sits at No. 6. These companies trained leaders who could evolve and create a portfolio of flywheels—from candles to Pringles, from medical plasters to Tylenol, from light bulbs to jet engines—yet they also held tight to core values that have remained fixed for 100 years or more." - Jim Collins
While I think about the book the few things that remain with me are the importance of understanding and creating multiple aspects of one's personality that is constantly adapting to change and prepared to face adverse conditions with a definite sense of purpose. Essentially increasing the probability of success or reducing the probability of failure. Like Roy in his book explains "work for luck". The farmers till their lands with the hope that it will be good rains. Then there are good farmers who are well prepared for all the other eventualities and reap the best when rain does come. Challenge your believe and have people who challenge your views at all points. The interviee who offered an apple as a metaphor of the teacher - student relationship, while its a great gesture for a student you do not want to have people who do not constantly challenge your views.
1) What are you deeply passionate about?
2) What are you are genetically encoded for — what activities do you feel just "made to do"?
3) What makes economic sense — what can you make a living at?
Those fortunate enough to find or create a practical intersection of the three circles have the basis for a great work life.
Think of the three circles as a personal guidance mechanism. As you navigate the twists and turns of a chaotic world, it acts like a compass. Am I on target? Do I need to adjust left, up, down, right? If you make an inventory of your activities today, what percentage of your time falls outside the three circles?
If it is more than 50%, then the stop doing list might be your most important tool. The question is: Will you accept good as good enough, or do you have the courage to sell the mills?
"A great piece of art is composed not just of what is in the final piece, but equally important, what is not. It is the discipline to discard what does not fit — to cut out what might have already cost days or even years of effort — that distinguishes the truly exceptional artist and marks the ideal piece of work, be it a symphony, a novel, a painting, a company or, most important of all, a life". - Jim Collins
I am very bad reader infact i rarely read and I feel miserable and bad about this aspect of my life. Today I know that if I somehow inculcate this habit I would be a different person all together. I have been living with this realisation for a while but its like I know i can get cancer if I smoke but i still don't do anything about it. Be curious, it helps. John Deere incentivised their employee to document their way of dealing with a business problem and submitting it to the supervisor. It did not matter whether the innovation was innovative enough it does ensure that I think and I think differently. R&D is not just in the labs infact most of the innovations that have happened and revolutionised the world happened in back yards and garages of the world.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Goa- Trip 2009
Goa, as always excites me just as much as my first trip to that place. The initial excitement was about driving down from bangalore to goa and back but it all fizzled out due to economics, no turn ups and just the three of us. May be next time we all said in unanimously. It was the first for Sophia, I mean the trip to Goa. I am sure she must be at her wits end after staying with two crazy nutty like khushi and me. I hope i am wrong. Ok Let me begin our trip at National Market Seabird bus stand. We timed our reaching to the bus stop to perfection but the bus never left on time. Thanks to a smart young lady who ensured that there was enough confusion over who travels by which bus. Please do not let GIRLS manage the tickets in a group. PLEASE DONT KILL ME for it. This is not me who is saying this. We were all stuck in the traffic for well over an hour which ensured that all our plans for the morning our busted.
My restlessness not to stay in the room for long ensured that we were on the beach before anyone in the room could stretch themselves and get cozy for a nice afternoon nap. Instead we were at this beautiful white soft sand beach with just a handful of people. After a couple of beers I was in the water while the two beautiful ladies with me engaged in seafood grazing. I just couldn't see them park their butts and rest. After pushing them a while we were all in the air para-sailing and jet-skiing. While we took our turns to set sail, there was this amazingly hot Chick, beautifully tanned and pinning her boy friend down on the beach and playfully showing off her beautiful assets. Goa is bliss, what say guys. Oh yeah boys, a sweet secret this beach did sport some beautiful topless women. Now that you have imagined all that you could lets move on. That was khushi calling..We spent a nice quite evening with karaoke at Martin's Corner. Nothing like a nice drive after dinner..Such was the day all of us were very tired and even before the drive to come to a halt, the ladies with me were snoring away to Glory.
Next morning all of us woke up nice and fresh from the sleep, and off to our secret beach, we strolled on the beach enjoying the morning breeze and yeah searching for some shells. We did manage to see how shell fish lives inside the shell. The star fish and the shells it was my first. I have never seen a star fish. We had decided for a day mostly in the car driving around and so we checked out of the hotel and headed north. We started our day with Fort Aquada and the palatial mansion of this diamond merchant on the hill facing the beach. Man is he reach or what. After the fort rides and driving around we were at the Calungute beach playing pool and drinking beer. I did manage to win a few games with my love. Thanks for letting me win Khushi. I do remember acting a little drunk after a few drinks. This trip was also a first for the Saturday nite
bazaar. Guys if you want to pick up, I mean pick up some goodies for people this is a good place to be trust me. Khushi bought me these beautiful make it yourself lamps. Which i am stilling trying to put together. After all the shopping and walking around it was that time of the night when we needed a place to stay. Knock Knock knocking on hotel doors..we wanted to stay in Panjim for a change. The room that we finally managed to find was perfect. Hotel Aroma!!
This was the day when we have to return back to our daily life and face reality so just before that Khushi and Sophia decided lets celebrate CASINO. Man what casino all the women in scantly dressed whatever that was grrrr...its not vegas. We were in a Casino called Majestic. The place was in shambles from outside the inside was small but nice and clean. There five tables of Rollete, black jack, some slot machines. The girls were in full josh to roll the dice and win some but before they could realize they were down 1500 bucks..yup..So for those of you who want to take your girl friends to Goa CASINO is certainly not the place to take them. I know I know sophi, Khushi its not as if I paid for the CASINO its just a tip for those otherwise...Our next stop was at this beautiful rocky beach of Vagator. Some more nice topless women and hot guys..Sophia stop gaping at that Greek god types hunk..perfectly chiseled body..You should have seen the way these girls were looking at that guy...man..its better of watching some topless women....We were nice parked for sunset from top of the hill and spend the last few hours in Goa till we come back again..
Goa can never be enough there is something about that place that gives reason for a lot of people keep coming back to it again and again. I am sure I cant wait to be there again and hopefully soon enough. My family holiday was ending rather ended and we all left with a nice feeling thinking of the next trip when we will probably drive down from Bangalore to Goa and back.............